Sunday, May 2, 2010

My Last Day and Yoli and Rich's E-Session

This is going to go down in history as one of my most monumental engagement sessions, and not for the reasons that you might think! This engagement session took place on April 30, 2010, my very last day as a Spanish Teacher.

So many people were asking me how I would spend my "free time" and what a relief it must be to not have two careers, but what I felt like was that this day was the gun firing at the start of a race. Some other friends asked how I would celebrate my new found freedom that night...and at the time I said, "I'm not, I'm going to work!", but now that I think about it, what better way to celebrate my big change in life than doing what I love with people I love?! So thanks so much Yolanda and Rich for being the first "job" of my new life and celebrating with me!!

The original plan was to go to Allaire State Park for this session, but apparently it closes at 6pm (when our session started)! So with some quick thinking I remembered that Holmdel Park is one of my favorite parks in the area and I haven't taken pictures there since college. So we pulled a quick GPS change and were on our way.

Check out some of my favs of the day and, of course, the slideshow. :-)

Sadie had to have her fun for the day!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for going full time! It's a huge step and such a rewarding and fun one too. I love that Sadie got such a place of honor in these engagement photos. It was so nice to meet you yesterday and today - I'll be checking your blog for photos, sun in my eyes and all.
